Saturday, September 16, 2023

To Find Me

To Find me: 

I'm always grateful for words, early morning writing, coffee at hand, and my first assignment is simply waiting, patiently, allowing words to reach me here, completely on their own. I'm in no rush for inspiration, as it knows exactly where to find me. 

every morning. 

it occurred to me, many years ago, that much of writing is really waiting for words to arrive, or maybe just the right words, the magical ones that set off in a current for others to follow. That's when writing flows with little interruption, no long pause for thoughts to gather, but fingers flying in a rush and tap against the keyboards. 


and yet, and this was my insight, it's those long pauses, spaciousness, that allow for magic this magic to happen. In truth, they're not separate events, it's all writing, from preparation of coffee to first sip and everything that follows after. Writing is seamless in this way and I've learned to trust the process, knowing that I'm not completely in charge of how my writing will flow, it's beyond my ability to control. It's actually better this way too, as trusting in inspiration allows me to relax, sip my coffee, and patiently wait for those magical words to find me. 

and they always do. 

every morning. 

Peace, Eric 

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