Sunday, September 3, 2023

Return to Savasana


Return to savasana:

let’s return to savasana, resting, allowing the tension of our previous experience settle and then easily slip to past. This is always our return, it’s the heart of our practice, an extended period of being present with breath and the body’s touch against the ground. It’s called the corpse pose for this very reason, that we allow the body to return to its earth roots and with ours minds reaching ever deeper states of quietness — until it seems we barely exist at all.

we’re simply being.

in Hatha Yoga we always return to savasana. It’s our starting point and then revisited through the entire practice, a repose of awareness that allows the benefits of our previous postures to take hold. Many consider this the most challenging of all asanas because of this return, surrendering the stress of a hard earned posture for a moment of complete surrender. This is a very difficult request, being asked to let go of striving to reach and hold a pose and then immediately surrender its rewards.

but that’s the very value of returning to savasana.

just letting go.

in many spiritual traditions there the teaching that we must learn to die before we actually die, meaning that we’ve learned this art of surrendering now, each moment being allowed to express itself fully and then becoming something other than before. That’s our return to savasana, we’re dying to the past of every previous pose, and yet still retaining their many benefits, and more so, we’ve gained an expanded sense of awareness now.

we’re present.

and from here…

continuously reborn to whatever the next posture offers.

savasana allows for everything that follows.


Peace, Eric

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