Friday, August 18, 2023

Yoga of Earliest Light

Yoga of earliest light: 

it's the yoga of earliest light, not yet true dawn, but gathering close and with the world now visible for me to navigate with a greater ease. My walks begin before there's even a hint of sunlight with my purpose being to be outside and have it greet my eyes in stages, causing a chemical shift of mood and healthy function of the body - more though, it's yoga, my own internal sun salutation of welcome and deep gratefulness of being alive and meeting another sunrise. 

it's the yoga of earliest light.

a union of sunlight and soul...happening each morning. 

my only role is to be present as the sun rises, allowing it's light to reach me with its own ease, no sense of striving for me to find it. Yoga is a natural expression of reality, a continuous occurrence of shifting visual affairs, eventually meeting in full display of it's original union. It's the first light of sunrise later showing itself as the brightness of midday, as well as its surrender to the night's embrace. What's shown is that it's all one thing in constant greeting to itself, reality in a continuous play of separation, and that yoga is simply the reminder of our innate wholeness.

a reunion. 

and so I find myself walking first in darkness, an hour before dawn, yet there's a sense of light gathering now, not yet on the horizon, but near, with a hint coming in the stir of animals from their night beds and the first notes from songbirds filling the air. This is my sun salutation, away from the mat, and no less than an asana too, a stretch that's far reaching to the very east of my existence, greeting the sun's arrival...

the yoga of earliest light. 


Peace, Eric 

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