Thursday, August 10, 2023

My Own Best Opinion

My own best opinion: 

to be free of my own best opinion, able to entertain ideas other than my own - and this seems to be the place I increasing value, finding myself able to hold my own beliefs lightly while giving clear attention to the views of others. It's an allowing space, open to every expression, yet remaining inherently empty in the wake of every thought. 

 being unconditional in its hold.

of course I still have opinions, many cherished to the point of belief. But I find that I'm able to return to that clear point rather quickly now, a natural letting go, and that my need to argue my convictions is minimal. I am mostly free of my own best opinion. 

happily so. 

what it mostly is - is simply a refusal to cling to any ideas of certainty, seeing them as a preference and not at all the reality of the world. To be able to easily say to myself "I just don't have a final answer" and finding a sense of peace within not knowing. It seems I've arrived here mostly by grace, although my long time practice of meditation, breathwork, yoga, have helped me realize the presence of this space, providing glimpses of it's ever present state. 

or perhaps it was sorrow that finally broke me open. 

revealing a clear and spacious nature. 

but it doesn't really matter, as being free of my own bets opinion allows me to consider every possibility with equal value. At least in the moment they appear. 




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