Monday, August 21, 2023

Breath and Body

Breath and body:

I'm now in a yoga teacher training course, not so much to eventually be a teacher, at least not in a group or class setting, but to deepen my own practice and be able to present it to others as means of exploring this ancient healing system together. Yoga has been part of my life for decades, since I was a boy really, having discovered a book designed to teach yourself and practicing diligently the postures, breathing, meditation, and even the philosophy that was mentioned in the text. Of course, as a kid, my attention would soon be drawn to another curiosity, yet I always seemed to return to the mystery that yoga offered me, an avenue of self-exploration that was offered through its practice. 

and now I wish to share it. 

but I think most of all, I just want to continue that self-exploration through yoga, finding the essence of breath and posture in a deepening hold as the mind quiets and my body fairly hums in the subtle energy of prana. Yoga is the path of transformation, not to be traveled towards an end goal, as there really is no final destination, it's that we're revealed as a truer version of ourselves with every pose, transformed by our very own breath and body. 

and that's what I wish to share. 

not as a teacher...but as a fellow explorer of an infinite path of being. 

so I write about it, talk on videos made for social media, again not teaching, just simply offering my own exploration of yoga, a version told through my breath and body. I have no idea where this will take me, or how I might be called to express my practice. That's the mystery of yoga, its path always leading deeper into the unknown, opening both breath and body to ever more subtle realms. Yoga is a continuous story being told through its practice, each posture through every session is another chapter written. 

this is what I wish to share, 


Peace, Eric 

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