Friday, August 25, 2023

Yoga is an Art From

Yoga is an art form: 

it's been a deep dive into yoga lately, even after decades of practice I find there's end to this depth, truly infinite in how it can be expressed and my only true goal is to continue its expression - fully committed to how it might be shown through every aspect of my life. 

yoga is an art form really, and life is the medium, more so, my body is a series of brushstrokes, lines, endlessly displayed through various postures. I'm working with energy, alignment, getting a pose just right for my own particular body and how it moves right now, giving great consideration to its limits, as well as the possibilities for a new display. 

my only true goal is creativity. 

working with the brushstrokes of my body. 

what I find is that the breath provides the steadiness for each body-line, that I am breathed into a posture and that it's held for however many breaths as needed for its potential to be shown. 

not a single breath more. 

a temporary line of body and form. 

yoga is an art form.


Peace, Eric 

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