Saturday, August 12, 2023



yoga is motion, more deeply though, and it's the ever present stillness that allows for its own fulfillment to be shown. It's energy, prana, expressed through the postures of the body. Beautifully so, artfully. There are times when it seems that prana guides our practice, taking charge of the body through its very cells, directing us through some divine play of poses, a flow beyond our current understanding of yoga. We are simply and only the expression of prana now, it's fulfillment, beautifully shown.


this happens off the yoga mat as well, peak experiences where the mind seems unusually sharp and clear, suspended of all avenues of doubt, and every fiber of the body is committed to the task at hand. Again it's the dichotomy of motion and stillness healed of its division, no longer seen as separate things at all, but now experienced directly as one thing alone - prana,  subtlest of energy, our life force fully expressed as what we most truly are. 

yoga is the dance of possibilities, presently displayed. 

it's prana, 

artfully arranged. 


Peace, Eric 

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