Sunday, August 6, 2023

Once Broken

Once broken: 

I don't know as we're ever truly healed of sorrow, not completely so, once broken it seems that life has a tendency to keep us that way, open, spacious, and that our wholeness is actually found through the light that's now brought in between the pieces of our shattered identity. 

we're not healed as we once were before...

but discovered already whole. 

it seems we're supposed to break at certain points in life, small aches adding up over time, the major loss of loved ones from our lives, and our eventual physical decline. It's the first truth of Buddha, our suffering inherent to living, no escape from this for anyone. Yet we try, adding false layers of protection, cushions to shield us from the pain life offers through its course. Nothing works, not for very long, they're just distractions and an attempt to hold our lives together, delaying the opportunity brought by the realization of our impermanence. It's's fear of this that keeps us from accepting that we're broken. 

really though, it's only a false layer that's been shattered. 

our core being remains whole.

newly rediscovered through our sorrow.

once broken, we're now free to roam the spaciousness of our existence, exploring between the pieces of those shattered layers without need of clinging to their edges. The key is to resist the urge to tape ourselves together into another false identity, to not become a wounded healer, but to simply remain open to this sense of mystery, knowing ourselves only as the reality of light that illuminates the pieces. 

once broken...

we're revealed as light. 


Peace, Eric 

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