Saturday, August 5, 2023

Least Disturbed

Least disturbed:

for me - nature should be least disturbed, with my steps quiet, almost hushed against the ground in their placement, soft breath, easy with the effort of my motion. Speed and distance are of little concern to me these days, it's less about training for an upcoming event, or even reaching a greater level of fitness as is simply moving quietly through nature, particularly before hint of first light, having my stride match the pace of dawn in its slow arising. 

surrounding nature being least disturbed by my presence. 

my wish is to blend in, it's yoga, walking, running in union with waning night and the day's arrival, a bridge between these two worlds. It's really about belonging, and to do so I have to match my pace with nature, not forcing myself to move faster just for the sake of gaining something of less value than what these holy moments offer. Yes, I have lost my racing edge, nowhere near as fast, nor as capable of covering distances once reached before. But I am fit and healthy, strong, and mostly importantly, for me, I belong more comfortably in my surroundings, an easier motion, serene in breath as well as stride.

I belong.

nature least disturbed. 

what I find is that the world has opened up to me now in a completely different way, my rush put aside, and my attention has sharpened past my body to a larger environment. Nature is truly least disturbed by my presence, more accepting of my easier pace and softer breath, revealing secrets that had been lost to me before. I'm not here in pursuit of anything substantial, not in these hours that are more truly devoted to the subtle language of the world.  

predawn, and everything is yoga, union, holy. 

my practice is motion, approaching it softly, with care...

leaving nature least disturbed. 


Peace, Eric 

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