Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Doing Our Best

Doing our best:

we're all doing our best, trying to figure out exactly who we truly are and where we belong in a rapidly changing world. I know I am, and I try to extend this courtesy of understanding to others, keeping in mind that someone else's effort may look vastly different than my own - and perhaps not even look like much of an effort at all. Yet the onus is always on me to recognize the sincerity of others, it's my responsibility to be kind, it's my dharma.

and yours as well. 

no one can truly understand how someone has arrived to their position, what evens my have shaped their minds, or led them to specific beliefs or conclusions. This is where they are, standing firm in an opinion that they believe is their own but in fact has been shaped through countless generations before, influenced by media, teachers, and clergy. 

it's exactly where we are as well.

most of us at least. 

there are some though who are now starting to let go of this rigid way of living, dropping the influence of previous beliefs and embracing the unknown, clearly seeing that who we truly are is actually a mystery, and that this will appear differently in others and the lives they're drawn to express. What's seen is really very simple....

we're all doing our best. 

this isn't an excuse for bad behavior, nor for the mistreatment of others - it's just a basic understanding that's arrived to somehow, part of the mystery. Maybe our own harsh judgments, either received or given, have finally broke us open to the point that all we wish for is kindness. It doesn't really matter as here we are, broken and our spaciousness revealed. 

there's no longer a choice for kindness.

it's simply what we are. 

and we're all just doing our best.

every moment. 


Peace, Eric 

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