Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Breath and Mantra

Breath and mantra: 

one of the first methods of meditation I ever learned, well over 30 years ago, was using the So Hum mantra, a unique combination of breath and mantra that leads to a profound level of silence. Eventually I learned another mantra based, became a teacher of that method, and it's been my main practice for many years now. But it seems that So Hum always calls me back and most recently has begun to play across my breath quiet naturally in my yoga practice, a soft repetition given to the movements, each posture holds a deeper stillness that's unlocked through breath and mantra. 

a beautiful practice. 

So Hum is often called the natural mantra, as it's the actual sound of the breath in our most quiet moments, being a vibration really, subtle. The Sanskrit meaning is I Am That, and we are literally meditation on our own existence, breathing our connection to the universe at large. As our breathing quiets, body settling, we become attuned to our position, a matched quality of breath and mantra to the silence voice of God. It's our natural expression, 

I love this addition to my practice, an inclusion of So Hum that just seemed to arrive unbidden, playing so easily through my mind with each posture. It's as if I've been gifted with this sound again, an old friend that's reconnected and committed to my peace of mind. 

it's a beautiful practice. 


Peace, Eric 

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