Monday, August 7, 2023

First Agenda

First agenda: 

it seems in today's political climate that the first objective isn't to outline an agenda for healing an ailing world, but to define those who hold a different view than ours as the enemy, trying make it clear that these people wish to do irrevocable harm to our country. The first agenda is to label them as being other than us, different not just in opinion but in who they really are, enemies of our most cherished beliefs and way of living. This has probably always been so, yet it seems so stark now, with dividing lines so readily embraced and eagerly defended. 

often to the point of violence. 

the first agenda should always be inclusive, to do no harm, and offer solutions to our political divide. It should always be love, and not just of our county, we're larger than that, our love is far more expansive than could ever be held within borders. Of course I'm being naive here, and my thoughts will be easily dismissed by those who to further the divide or cling to any sense of power. But I'll continue on, offering my naive views, refusing to label anyone as my true enemy. 

even if they seek to harm me. 

really though, I'm not naive, nor am I engaging in wishful thinking or impractical solutions. The only sure way to save the world right now is to love it, and each other, to the fullest extent we're able. Nothing else will work. This is the message of every great spiritual teacher, the basis of most religions, a simple tenant, to simply love each other. It's always the first agenda, the only one that matters. 

without it we are lost. 

there's room for differences, both in opinion and lifestyles -  yet there are no others, we're not enemies, just fellow human beings trying to get by in a bit of a scary world right now. We all have the same first agenda, to love and to be healed, and if it doesn't seem that way - look deeper. 

our first agenda is to love.


Peace, Eric 

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