Sunday, August 13, 2023

Even Earlier Now

Even earlier now: 

even earlier now, usually right around 3:30 a.m and I am drawn from bed, called really, to start my day with breathwork and meditation, several rounds of sun salutation and then enjoy a cup of coffee in the deep quiet of the morning. Soon after I head for my walk, it's another world outside at these hours, mostly me and first waking songbirds, with only a few cars in early commute, and an occasional runner who breaks the spell of silence with harsh breath and heavy steps, causing me to shield my eyes from their headlamps glare. I don't begrudge them their time, but my aim is solitude and I do my best to avoid the possibility of our meeting, taking the darker routes and least popular paths. 

I'm waking even earlier now...

seeking mostly to be alone. 

what it is - is reverence. These hours fill me with a sense of awe, it's as if I'm alone at first creation, a world in soft becoming. No words can possibly give this a description, predating spoken language, and everything is conveyed through silence and the experience of the body, sensations, an intuitive voice that urges me to listen to the quiet depth of morning without need of offering a reply. 

it's my most true conversation of the day. 

 and so even earlier now, I wake to simply be alone...

listening to the soft becoming of the world. 


Peace, Eric   

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