Monday, March 7, 2022



it's not so much the presence of a self that's my concern, it seems pretty evident to me that there is something of value in the appearance of the ego, that it's a navigation force to guide me through certain aspects of the world. That the self has no inherent reality of its own is a realization that keeps it's role in check and I am less inclined to give attention to the every demand and need that ego often calls for, there's greater joy and a sense of freedom with the reduction of its role. The debate of no-self vs. its presence holds little interest to me, as my own self seems fairly organic in it's appearance, a naturally occurring phenomenon of various reasons to exist. What I find it that there's a diminished referral to it's presence, less need for its voice to be central in command. 

there's a quiet voice that guides me now.

there's even some hesitation to call this presence a voice, offering another label that only lends more weight to the ineffable force that guides me. More truly I should simply say it's life, that everything is spontaneously and naturally occurring as the flow of life and all its functions. What's found isn't the absence of a self, but completely seeing that there is no doer here at all - what's absent is anything that calls orders as to how this life should now appear, that there's no separate self in charge of how my life unfolds. There's only life itself, free flowing in it's existence, and without need of a command for its path to be followed. This is the quiet voice that guides, the very same one that urges plants to bud and later blossom. It's the voice of seasons changing and earth's rotation, of cells formed of ever smaller patterns, particles swirling an entire world to form. 

such a quiet, true, creative voice.

if a self appears, it's simply part of life, having a season too within our lives, and a role to play for how ever long we listen. And yet in time there comes that quiet voice to hear once more, life being insistent in the reality of its way, steady, and always flowing with out interest. This is the true and only self, one thing only, and it lends itself to every appearance of the world. 

it's the quiet voice that guides me now.


Peace, Eric 

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