Tuesday, March 29, 2022

First Insight

First Insight: 

it's perhaps the first insight gained through meditation and inquiry, one truly significant in the freedom that it offers - that we are not the producer of our thoughts, not being responsible at all for their appearance in our mind. That's it, the insight that sets us free from ownership of a turbulent mind, and what follows is a never ending exploration as to who and what we truly are. The first insight is the key to our awakening and provides the shift of identity from one of seeker to that of being an explorer through the infinite depth of our mystery and reality. 

indeed, a never ending exploration.

this first insight provides no answers, at least none that should be believed in their arrival - remember we're exploring ourselves through mystery, an endless pursuit and reality is always shifting in the perspective that it offers. Truth is known through these layers and in this way we're never left certain of what true at all in any ultimate sense, but only of what seems so through the present layer of our privileged view. We know only what we think we do, and our every belief, every thought really, should be held in tentative grip, not taken to be absolutely true.

for me, this first insight was a gift, providing a sense of spaciousness that has only seemed to grow, expanding past and always including every aspect of my world. It's a freedom that's ever present now, a witness stage that even absolves the presence of a witness, leaving me simply aware that I'm presently aware, free, and yet fully belonging as an aspect of the world. 

the first insight is one of being seamless, that whatever appears is not of our making, nothing we've done is cause for anything to happen, but that we are simply part of this great appearance too, arising, conscious, seamlessly belonging. Of course we see this at a more subtle layer, not shirking the reality of our everyday consciousness. Life continues through the endless patterns that it plays and we accept our present position, even as we know it ultimately isn't so, being only temporary in its appearance. This is why we don't rush our opinion to these insights, almost guarding them in silence as they unfold, maturing and expanding in the wisdom that they offer. 

remembering always that nothing's ever certain.

reality always expanding just a little more in the mystery that it shows.

every insight is really for ourselves alone. 


Peace, Eric 

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