Thursday, March 17, 2022

First Seen

First seen:

it's how the world is first seen, just before we offer our own personal translation of everything that occurs, before our internal narration separates us from events by even the slightest of degrees - there's an intimacy of true seeing here, that we are deeply present by means of our participatory nature. We see it all without a single doubt of our belonging completely to the world, an initial glance that reveals us as being seamless with the view, capacity for its unfolding. 

we see the world as who we are.

the world is first seen without story, nothing told that separates us from what's occurring. It's all so immediate now, intimate to the point of our own disappearance, and only later do we return to narrate the story, adding ourselves as important aspect of it's appearance. This answers our every question concerning the existence of a self, is it real, or an illusion belonging only to the story? What's first seen is true, reality, and a without story. Yet follows is the reality of appearance, equally so in it's existence. Our initial view is pure and underlying, open, and allows everything to unfold through its perfection. Whatever then appears belongs just as sure and true. 

nothing is ever out of order. 

this too is how we love, our initial intimacy carried through our stories, that each of us is exactly how we're first seen, innocent, open, and deserving. This never changes, our true nature being impervious to any alterations, and anything that seems added is just another story, an appearance, temporary to however long it's viewed. Love is always first seen. without condition, accepting all that follows without a trace of anything ever being wrong. It's just how things are, how we first and always see each other, how everything is truly, deeply seen...that love serves as the capacity for the world to follow.


Peace, Eric 

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