Friday, March 18, 2022

Initial Seeing

Initial seeing:

after this initial seeing, right after our own inherent spaciousness is actually pointed to and then remembered - it becomes a practical and easy manner of living from our original nature, having a return to source in any moment of our need, or to simply express our joy of being alive, aware, and experiencing the world exactly as we find it now. There is value in this practice, of being an instant meditation of true and pure seeing, and an inquiry that shows us  immediately who we really are. Our initial seeing is the wonder of first discovery and each moment seen again is the delight of awareness in direct recognition of itself, of life at play through the grace of its unfolding. 

our initial seeing is an invitation to always see again.

and really, it's less a practice than it is a continuous awakening - and that at any moment we can point to the world and then redirect our gaze to the source which holds the view. It's all so immediate and direct, seeing our own capacity as an open invitation for the appearance of the world, exchanging spaciousness for whatever comes to view, emptiness for the full value of being aware and alive. Everything falls so perfectly, seamlessly, within this wide open capacity to allow, and all without any effort of our own. Our initial seeing is to rediscover our true nature...

and it's grace from this point on. 

this is now our continuous awakening, of seeing ourselves as life in process of unfolding though the infinite possibilities presented by our view. Yet, truly, it's more seamless than these words convey, we are the point of emergence as capacity and view, at once an equal exchange of emptiness and the world, nothing gaining prominence at the expense of something other being so. It's an easy acceptance of what is presently found, knowing ourselves as allowing capacity for life to flow. From out initial seeing we rediscover who we really are. 

the rest is simply living, aware, and with the joy of what we know.


Peace, Eric 

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