Friday, March 25, 2022

Always The Same Conclusion

it's a simple process and one that's repeatable and always to the same conclusion, that every time we point from the world directly back to the source which holds the view - we see at once the absence of a seer as well as the fulfillment of it's void. It's an easy trade of objects to spaciousness and then to both existing at once through the grace of our capacity to told the world. Of course this is just a description of an experiment that must be performed to be truly understood. In order to know ourselves as capacity we use an inquiry of pointing and with this we see directly and exactly who we really are. 

let's try this - point a finger towards the assumed direction of the head and then simply be attentive to what's seen. That's it. But be curious, innocent of opinion, and explore what truly can and can't be seen. In one direction there is a world filled with objects and a finger pointing directly before us. What's in the other direction? What exactly is the finer pointing towards? And most importantly - what is it we actually see when our attention is turned to where the finger's pointing? 

it's always the same conclusion. 

at least if we really turn and look to that direction. This is often dismissed as a parlor trick with little importance and yet it's the most basic, profound, direct inquiry I know of for the immediacy of seeing who we are. It's truth revealed at once and we're never asked to believe anything that isn't instantly seen at once and again we're left always with the same conclusion every and anytime we care to point in this direction. It's unavoidable, and yes quite profound. In the direction of our pointing finger only two things can ever be found - the world and it's every object, or the absence of a viewer. Try it and see. But be honest and playful with this, make no assumptions and really explore both directions. There is the obviousness of the world, familiar, and then with our attention turned towards ourselves there is only the assumption of eyes and face and nothing truly seen from our own examination. The color of our eyes is only known from secondary information, from reflection and photos and other peoples description. And we believe all we're told, that photos don't lie and what the mirror shows is true. 

but is it?

is what you truly are secondary information? 

here's a hint - when I turn towards any direction of my pointing finger I only see one thing really and that's my own open, allowing nature flowing as the world. I see capacity. The actual truth is that there's no direction, no place to turn towards that isn't the same view of emptiness and it's fulfillment, fullness and void, capacity and its seamless hold. That's it. It's always to the same conclusion and my view is never strayed from source. I only see capacity, only emptiness appearing now as form, and every object the in essence. It's all one thing. Truly looking and I have to hold myself within this view, inescapable, there is only capacity appearing as its own fulfillment. 

for me, it's always the same conclusion. 

look, and tell me what you see. 


Peace, Eric 

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