Monday, March 28, 2022

Near Magical

Near magical:

 morning meditation is a near magical time for me, a stillness that steeps all the way to bones and continues hour after walking from the cushion. It's a true sense of quietness, allowing of earliest sounds, yet everything somehow muted, hushed as if in deference to the hour. I sit for close to an hour each morning, as close to 4:00 a.m as possible, mantra playing softly through my mind, with only an occasional thought making brief a appearance. It's near magical because it's nothing really special, just quiet, but truly so, deeply, and I find myself at home within its depths.

every morning. 

of course I meditate in later hours too, an afternoon return to silence, touching home once more. But in someways it doesn't match the quality of my morning sitting, the world itself doesn't hold the same quiet structure that seems to allow only the essential sounds of waking to show through. I still love my time sitting later in the day, and often do find that the world fades to an undisturbed silence, sounds only existing on a surface level far from where my resides. It's near magical too, in it's own way, and it's unfair for me to make comparisons really. 

and yet, it seems that as I sit for longer periods of time, going deeper within, I've become somewhat of a connoisseur of these silent hours, not judging quality, but differentiating subtle layers of my own inner quietness and the ways in which they meet the world. Perhaps it could be said that silence just is, existing wholly and only of itself,  and that only my awareness changes in perception. I'm reminded that Christian mystic St. John of the Cross wrote that silence is God's first language and that Melville echoed this many lifetimes later. So truly than I am listening to the voice of God speaking to me in the language of hours, through whatever depth that I'm capable to hear and understand, listening to our always current and constant conversation. Morning is simply the hour of my deepest listening, the time I'm most apt to hear the silent voice of God and my clearest understanding. 

yet silence exists through every hour.

our listening, and own silent dialog is ongoing. 

each moment is near magic through our listening.


Peace, Eric 

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