Saturday, March 5, 2022

Given Time

Given time:

given time - but really only an illusion of a moment, an instant that seems to take an entire lifetime, experience to each experience, until we at last reach an ending. 

this is how our lives are measured, that we are given an allotted number of days to spend through useful and expected ways, a well lived life of purpose and good meaning. Except perhaps that none of it's true, again with time being just a useful illusion, and that all we're really ever given is a single moment lasting for a lifetime. I don't believe we're given time to use, a  to have a lifetime measured by achievement and sheer accumulations. I most definitely could be wrong on this, but if there's a purpose to life it's to simply breathe, to be alive, and with our only true meaning expressed through love, with time being the grace we're given for this expression to be known. 

of course I don't anything, not really, with time being to mysterious for me to even consider its stretch and implications. Science says that time is a reality of particles, an aspect of our DNA that is limited to the hours of its expression, a story told through the motion of our bodies. Yet quantum physics also tells of its deeper, illusory nature, time being only apparent in the presence of a storyteller. The question comes to be asked of what can truly be measured, and with this we see that only aspects can be quantified, singular events within an ever greater union. DNA tells the story of our bodies, one story only, and that we are more perfectly told by all that's beyond the scope of time and measure.

 so, we're not really given time, it's just another story told. But we are expressed through the moment of its illusory span, a limited appearance in this particular form and view. It's why any of this occurs at all that remains a mystery, existence always being unexplained. With this we are free to assign life its purpose and its meaning, being artist of its arrangement. In the end of this particular appearance, nothing truly will be measured at all, an illusory span simply parting to something other. 

only reality continues on.


Peace, Eric 

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