Tuesday, March 15, 2022



everything appearing exactly as it does, seemingly so perfectly aligned to the instant just before, and no real effort given from our part as to how the world unfolds. This is how life goes on, an easy shifts of one moment to another, seamless really, flowing to events that are constantly shaping our perception of reality, and with so little in our actual control. We belong to this flow, an appearance as well as an event, a life perfectly aligned to its environment. 

even as we believe ourselves in control.

it seems more accurately that we are simply a continuous response of some sort, an aspect of life in interaction with every other aspect appearing each moment. In this way we are mostly truly an event, everything about is though motion, from taking each breath from air and working further and ever smaller to the cells that form our bodies, molecules and atoms that provide our foundation, and all the way to the infinitely small scale of particles that swirl us to existence. We are aligned with each point of motion, not a separate event at all, but only a continuous response that apparently brings us to conclusion. Of course in this light we are never ending, not complete, aligned as well to the completion of the world. 

it's all in perfect order.

and none of this is of our actions, no effort and absolutely all beyond our control - this is what it means by nonduality, not a single doer to spark a series of events but only the continuous motion of the world, life responding to itself in such wondrous fashion. We are not just part of this, it's our entirety, completely what we truly are, an event, of an event, of an event...forever onward. Yet somehow though all of this we find ourselves aware, an aspect of this never ending process that awakens to its motion. We know ourselves as being life alone, not just a mere and singularly appearing aspect - we are the totality of existence, everything, the all. 

we know ourselves as perfectly aligned. 


Peace, Eric 

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