Monday, March 14, 2022

It's All Yoga Now

It's all yoga now:

it's all yoga now, everything, life - and recognized in the original meaning of the word of being joined together, our daily living already a path to the divine. In the yogic traditions it's call sadhana, a spiritual exercise or practice, and with an easy sense of awareness every aspect of our lives is seen through the lens of a sacred union, that life is always joined in seamless order and our practice is simply a means to express it. This is really nothing special, our lives change little with this recognition, but of course everything is different too, objects seem to shine with this awareness, things tend to lose a single meaning and are seen in light of their dependence of our view. 

everything belongs.

it's not seen as anything special by reason that this is how things always are, have always been this way, and that we see it now as if for the very first time even though we deeply knew it all along. That's the joy of awakening, seeing, hearing, every sense really, is now alive as our practice, a means of direct recognition of our original and present nature. It's all yoga now, not really a practice by way of any effort, but more a sadhana of recognition, a gentle nod towards the ease of seeing how everything belongs exactly as it's found through each moment, and how even our wish to change a present situation fits seamless in life's flow. 

and that's really the gift of awareness, seeing that no effort is required of our yoga, life is already joined though every aspect, always whole, seamless. Our true sadhana simply and only being aware, and this too is easy, and free of any effort. We're just aware, and conscious that it's so. So it's all yoga now, our every activity a prayer of some form, a vibrational hymn that brings life to the particular song of our performance, whatever is it, our actions divine by sense that everything in the universe is joined to its conclusion. Our yoga is in this moment, right now, each breath and heartbeat occurring somehow without our conscious effort and yet this grace carries on through all we measure as a lifetime. It all works through us, completely so, and we could call it the divine by virtue of it's grace and mystery, that life is unearned, freely given, and to even find ourselves aware of this is a gift beyond compare. 

it's all yoga now, and our sadhana is to simply....



Peace, Eric 

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