Thursday, March 31, 2022

Intimately Involved

Intimately involved: 

that I welcome any words to come, open, receptive, and in this way a theme appears, writing occurs, and I am completely of the process too. In many ways it's the opposite of automatic writing, a phenomenon in which the author is directed by a source other than their own conscious involvement, as if a vessel for another hand and someone else's words. Yet still I make no claim that these are my words, nor to be their source of origin, and certainly not the author, not really. Words happen, they appear, and I am fortunate to be aware, to listen, and to have the wish to write them down. It's the same with every thought, each inspiration, that they're all just a somehow appearance, a mystery, and one that finds me intimately involved in their process, part of how it all unfolds. 

perhaps that's why I prefer writing so early in the morning, with lines between dream worlds and a busy reality of the day not yet so tightly drawn. Everything feels more seamless now, words flow easily from wherever they once were and then seeming to find themselves directly to the page. It's all without real effort, as if each word is gifted from a source, but one that I am clearly part of, intimately involved with, and intrinsic to the entire process.

this isn't just about words though, what's happening now is simply an aspect of life described as writing. All of life flows this way, regardless of our notice, that everything is gifted for our involvement, from air in its seamless touch against our lips, available at very first breath, to sun, rain, and the nourishment offered by sky and earth - we've indeed been gifted with a world. And all that's asked of us is to receive, to be open, yes, to be intimately involved with the life that we've been given. It's an easy request, one that's already happening even if we're unaware that it's so.

 for me, writing early in the morning, it's just a way for me to give my notice, thankful, a prayer of being open, aware, and receptive right now to every word, to life. 

it's my way of being intimately involved.

and aware that it's so.


Peace, Eric 

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