Monday, March 21, 2022

Larger Environment

Larger environment:

it's all seen as a larger environment now, seamless in it's expanse, one body really, and I am as much every tree, blade of grass, and stream - as I am bone, blood, and tissue. There is nowhere that isn't home to me, no place that doesn't hold a cellular memory of my belonging. The world is surely my own extension, and in some quieter moments I am able to gather a sense of a singular presence, just life in such infinite measure and so greatly varied in its every expression. I am simply part of this larger environment, an aspect of the world that somehow found itself aware, awake to its potential of self-reflection. That I am at all, alive and appreciative that it's so, is only to the extent of this larger body in full support of my existence. It's all an environment of true love and relations, inter-connecting threads for a whole fabric of universal display. 

it's the larger environment of my belonging.


and there are more subtle layers here too, of consciousness and how far and its expansion. My own sense is of how limitless it all seems to be, this web of connection life deep within universal proportions and endlessly existing through cycles of big bangs and dying stars, that life is always in process of becoming more and more self-ware through it's every point of rebirth and destruction. Of course I have no true idea, only speculations felt through the depth of my own sense of belonging to the world, being seamless too in my expansion. I could proven to be completely wrong and yet it still would shake the faith and foundation of my belonging to this larger environment, of being home within the very fabric of existence. 

and that I am a thread of self awareness.


Peace, Eric 

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