Thursday, March 24, 2022

Spontaneous Process

Spontaneous process:

mostly, I have no idea of the topic or theme that I'll be writing about each morning. Even as I begin with the first words to appear it seems a surprise unfolds with every following sentence and I'm always amazed to see coherence show with what it written. That's when things click within me too, I become more active in my writing participation, inspired by the spontaneous process I find myself now part of, more engaged, and yet continuously left in mystery. 

for me, writing always has it's own agenda. 

and I'm always grateful for this, to not have to try and force my own inspiration to appear each morning, but to be invited as part of that spontaneous process, having the feeling that I'm essential to some form of holy communication given to the page. Words are important to me, more so than any message they deliver, it's just the play of their arrangement and the sound of their cohesion that matters most. I write for the pleasure and joy of simply writing, again to participate with that spontaneous process of inspiration that invites me to belong. It's a gift, and yet not mine at all -but one I'm always happy to receive. 

there have been more than a few times when I've tried to force my way to inspiration, or courted its appearance with various incitements. Through the years I've found that's it's always better to be patient, abiding and listening to the deep silence that holds every word that's yet to appear. I keep in mind the Buddhist Heart Sutra that reminds me that the emptiness found before words is actually their formless state, that silence and stillness is inspiration too, and that there is absolutely nothing that needs to be done through my effort to make anything happen. 

words exist in silence.

silence in words.

it's the spontaneous process of writing, the Heart Sutra of inspiration. 

and my participation is a joy. 


Peace, Eric 

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