Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The World Will Open

The world will open:

perhaps our most cherished belief is that we're capable of such great change in the destiny of our lives. We loves to think that we're in charge of the outcome of our lives, and that with just a little more effort, some direction and determination, and maybe just a bit of luck - that the world will open with success and endless opportunities as our reward. Yet it seems that for many of us this dream is forever slightly from our reach, we're never quiet there, our dream lives elude us no matter how hard we work. Which of course leads us to either work harder, or conclude the world is rigged against us and we never stood a chance. A few fortunate ones do seem to reach the apex of their dreams, achieving everything they imagined and sometimes much more. It does pay to work hard and be lucky. 

at least for some. 

none of this is really true, it's mostly a story we're taught to believe from very early on, instilled in us as children as the work ethics of success and that the worst of life is to be viewed a failure. In this way the system truly is rigged against us, our innocence and innate creativity are lessened in a trade of effort and belief of working harder than the others, applying ourselves more to always do better than our last achievement. It's always more and it's never enough, and this is learned through generations, carried down from a tradition that has failed our natural sense of possibilities. 

the thing is, we're not truly educated, yes, we're taught facts and critical ways to view the world, but we're never taught about spirit, about soul and it's expression. This isn't meant as individual soul as some religions mention, nor spirit in the sense of ethereal qualities that have no bearing on the world. It's about who we are before a single story is told about us, that it's all soul, our connection to nature, each other, and to life itself. Our spirit is simply the freedom that exists beyond the scope of stories. It's who we really are and in knowing this, or more truly said, remembering this - indeed, the world will open to our every possibility. 

none of this takes effort, at least not in the sense we're taught in school - it only takes determination to see, dismissing our every hard instilled belief as being essentially true and being curious as to who, what, we really are. Some beliefs and stories serve us well, others seem to limit our natural and creative expressions. The role of questioning, inquiry, is to remember who we are without any story told, and then with this freedom we allow ourselves to be expressed as unique aspects of life, our purpose served by simply living, no higher calling than to be alive and full of love for every other expression of the world. It's with this that the world will open in its true realm of possibilities, we are free from being told of success as something to be achieved, and now view ourselves in the light of infinite potentiality, that the world will open to our every and any expression that seeks to be told. 

it all begins by asking who, what, we really are.


Peace, Eric 

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