Friday, August 1, 2014

The Yoga of Distance Running - Verse 3:2

However men try to reach me,
I return their love with my love;
whatever path they may travel,
it leads to me in the end.
                        (Bhagavad Gita 4:11)

Regardless where steps may fall...our
stride points true in its

We run in the certainty of our salvation.

  • However we begin - running leads to grace. We can't help but to surrender to fatigue, to bend under the weight of time and elements. Distance will break us all - and we were meant to be broken. This is the path of our destruction. This is the path of our salvation. True grace eludes the ego - we can't think or will it into existence. Grace is already here and waits only for our surrender. Yet first we have to exhaust the ego and this can't be done by force - we break the ego down with repetition - a single step repeated. If we know this - if we truly know that each step is leading to the grace of Self - then each step becomes a holy act, a gift of love received and given to the Self. Indeed we tread on holy ground. We soon see that the path itself is our salvation and the choice to run was never really ours - we were called to give voice to this expression and the path exists only as means for our steps to sing. Every song is different and yet the voice in which we sing belongs to all. Running is our song and grace belongs to those who sing it.

* Verse 4:11 translated by Stephen Mitchell

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