Monday, August 25, 2014

The Running Sutras - 7:4

The Blessed Lord Said:

I will teach you about the state
called the eternal, the absolute,
which those who strive toward me enter
desireless, freed from attachments.
                                                   (Bhagavad Gita 8:11)

Distance is our deliverance - each step drawn to
know itself larger in the stride.

To those who follow - the Absolute.

  • The paradox - running leads to stillness. There is a depth of quiet found holy and only those who are free from the grasp of thought may enter. Our steps lead by the rhythm of their nature-  drawing us not only farther on the path but to the place where path and runner merge and a profound stillness pervades all things. Even in motion all is still, our steps a hush against the path and our heart beating as the quiet pulse of the world. We have reached the infinite - our stride unfolds in welcome. We've arrived.

*Verse 8:11 translated by Stephen Mitchell 

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