Wednesday, August 20, 2014

The Running Sutras - Verse 6:3

The Blessed Lord Said:

Veiled in my mystery and power,
I am not perceived by most men;
their deluded minds cannot see me,
the Unborn, the Changeless, the Undying.
                                                             (Bhagavad Gita 7:25)

We are revealed in distance - stripped by steps to
the essence of the Self. For this
alone - we

To know the Self - we run.

  • Steps will never know the mystery of the stride until a letting go of their singularity - diving fully into the gathering ground that spreads before our feet. Distance is our deliverance. The path unfolds to the unity of steps. It's motion that reveals the essence of everything - as wind and storm carve a canyon - we too are revealed as holy space. We are the stillness that motion defines.

* Verse 7:25 translated by Stephen Mitchell 

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