Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Running Sutras - Verse 5:5

Mature in yoga, impartial
everywhere he looks,
he sees himself in all beings
and in all beings in himself.
                                      (Bhagavad Gita 6:29)

The path is our reflection - infinite, open, and
full in its receiving. We run to know
ourselves in the distance of its

Every step is joyful in discovery.

  • We look to all things on the path as the Self rediscovering itself in distance - miles reflecting worlds both within and without . Nothing can be seen as separate and everything exist as an extension of the Self. As steps make up the stride - we too are essential to something vast and infinite. Distance is the template for this discovery. We meet the Self along the way.

* Verse 6:29 translated by Stephen Mitchell 

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