Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Yoga of Distance Running - Verse 4:3

Offering his actions to God,
he is free of all action; sin
rolls off him, as drops of water
roll off a lotus leaf.
                                                           (Bhagavad Gita 5:10)

Our steps are offered to the stride...becoming
more in the selfless action of their

Through distance - we give ourselves away.


  • Our breath is offered to the air, our heartbeat gives rhythm to the world, and each step becomes the stride of our expression. We run to give ourselves away. Our every act devout and purifying simply by the giving. It by the pureness of this offering that we find freedom - we reach an emptiness existing past the thoughts that hold us to the body. We find the Self and come to know it's the reality of who we are. There are no actions we seek to hold, nothing binds us to possession. We give. Our stride is the path to selflessness and the Self. And so we keep running.

Verse 5:10 translated by Stephen Mitchell. 

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