Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The Running Sutras - Verse 6:2

The Blessed Lord Said:

There is nothing more fundamental
than I, Arjuna; all worlds,
all beings, are strung upon me
like pearls on a single thread.
                                           (Bhagavad Gita 7:7)

An illusion - as if every step existed in a
single world. And yet our stride
unfolds in infinite

The path we run is endless.

  • The path is the Self - the ground of our being that meets each step in realization. We are the path and steps are but an illusion that gives way to the reality of the stride. There is no arrival - only an awakening to the present moment and the awareness that the ground we run is found holy and full of the direct revelation of the Self. We are the path - and the path is infinite.

*Verse 7:7 translated by Stephen Mitchell 

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