Friday, August 8, 2014

The Yoga of Distance Running - Verse 4:2

Wholehearted, purified, mastering
body and mind, his self
becomes the self of all beings;
he is unstained by anything he does.
                                          (Bhagavad Gita 5:7)

Surrendering of self ...all steps are joined in
union to the stride -
And so our path is singular in nature.

  • Yoga is a Sanskrit world that means to yolk, or join together - it is the art of union - bringing our Divine nature in harmony with our physical and mental aspects. Running is the perfect display of union, our steps must be selfless to harmonize within the greater stride, our mind is sharp and body in tune with internal and external surroundings. This is only the beginning - the preparatory actions that lead to our surrender to the Self. As steps let go in order to form the stride, so too do we surrender in order to join the greater whole of our reality. It's distance that leads us to union - a point comes in our surrender when we release all that we cling to within our little world of self and discover that we reside in a universe where all is connected through the Self and there are worlds within worlds in an endless stream of one. This is Self realization and the goal of yoga, it is the end result of tremendous miles we have tread upon the path. Once glimpsed, the Self will not be denied, it will call for further miles until again we find this union. We are the Self and miles provide this revelation - once remembered - our steps are free in the holiness of their expression.

* Verse 5:7 translated by Stephen Mitchell 

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