Monday, August 4, 2014

The Yoga of Distance Running - Verse 3:5

Surrendering all thoughts of outcome,
unperturbed , self-reliant,
he does nothing at all, even
when fully engaged in action.
                         (Bhagavad Gita 4:20)

Our steps think nothing of the stride - they
are content within the moments
And this alone is their becoming.

  • We run with what the moment offers - and in return we surrender all that we cling to at the moments door. Our goal is to enter each moment new, reborn in our original promise. There is no need to shed fatigue - only the notion of how we wish our legs would feel. In this way we run beyond the confines of tired, sore and other labels. We engage in running as an artist - our steps a mindful stroke against the canvas and yet unattached to our creation at large. Each stroke adds to the deliverance of a masterpiece. Our steps will always deliver us to another moment. We need to go no further. We have arrived.

*Verse 4:20 translated by Stephen Mitchell 

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