Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Yoga of Distance Running - Verse 4:1

The true renunciate neither
desires things nor avoids them;
indifferent to pleasure and pain,
he is easily freed from all bondage.
                                   (Bhagavad Gita 5:3)

We seek nothing beyond the stride - knowing that
our every step contains the world.
We abide within the moments

  • We are not asked to renounce anything - we seek freedom not by avoidance but in non-attachment. In the distance of a run a thousand things may happen - we are the internal witness to them all. We know that all things pass and that every experience belongs to the finite world. Yet we are infinite beings and see beyond distinctions. A hill includes a climb and a descent and our stride only knows continuation - so we are joyful in our response. We climb and smile and smile and descend. We are free from the wish for a hill to be anything other than the suchness of a hill. We are learning to embrace the whole of our experience and view our preferences with a smile - they too belong.

*Verse 5:3 translated by Stephen Mitchell 

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