Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Running Sutras - Verse 8:4

The Blessed Lord Said:

Any offering - a leaf,
a flower or fruit, a cup
of water - I will accept it
if given with a loving heart.
                                           (Bhagavad Gita 9:26)

Our steps...laid down in worship to
something deeper than the

We are the giver and the gift received.

  • Every step is an offering to the path and our stride is a prayerful response to greater gifts received. Beyond a token - we are giving the essence of ourselves back to the Divine. Motion, grace and a continuous surrendering of our lesser selves to embrace the whole - this is what we offer and again they are the gifts that we receive. Devotion is circular. There is no end in the infinite gift of giving.

* Verse 9:26 translated by Stephen Mitchell 

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