Monday, September 1, 2014

The Running Sutras - Verse 8:5

The Blessed Lord Said:

Whatever you do, Arjuna,
do it as an offering to me -
whatever you say or eat
or pray or enjoy of suffer.
                                  (Bhagavad Gita 9:27)

We have made the offering - an exchange of
steps for stride and greater still to
know the path.

Our prayer is the motion that we offer.

  • The path is sacred - a length of temple that stretches past both space and time. Motion is the prayer we offer, as well as our experiences during the run. From a mindful step and the sweep of arms to rain, snow, sun and breeze - it's the Divine experiencing itself through the vehicle of being. We have offered the whole of ourselves as a grand template of expression - and return the world is viewed as a masterpiece.

*Verse 9:27 translated by Stephen Mitchell 

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