Friday, September 5, 2014

The Running Sutras - Verse 9:3

The Blessed Lord Said:

I am the divine seed
within all beings. Arjuna;
nothing, inanimate or animate,
could exist for a moment without me.
                                                               (Bhagavad Gita 10:39)

In the depth of our stride - each step is
holy in existence.

We are essential to the path.

  • Nothing would exist without us - we observe aspects of ourselves with every step and the path itself is our unfolding. Running becomes a wonder when see the world as the reflection of God within. We learn to see the Self peeking through its subtle disguises - a bush, stones, birds - all things alive with God. Running is simply remembrance and recognition. A game played with the Self and distance.

*Verse 10:39 translated by Stephen Mitchell 

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