Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Yoga Of Distance Running - Verse 3:6

When a man has let go of attachments,
when his mind is rooted in wisdom,
everything he does is worship
and his actions all melt away.
                              (Bhagavad Gita 4:23)

Once given fully to the path...our
steps tread on holy ground -
And our stride is pure in its devotion.

  • Wisdom, as seen through the lens of yoga and the Bhagavad Gita, is the clear perception of unity and sacredness of life. We are joined on the path - by the path itself - in a holy union of earth, sky and fellow runners. What seems as a void between ourselves and the world is actually a thread that binds us in a shared experience of being. We are Self meeting the Self through the means of separation - an illusion of space and time. Once perception is cleared to reality, we can no longer ignore this connection and our response becomes pure in deep devotion. Everything is sacred. Our steps become a prayerful caress against the earth and each breath a silent song of worship to the air. We are part of something grand, something joyful and more we are essential to existence itself - nothing exist apart from us. Running is no longer a simple action - it's a full throated cry of Being. Our stride is an exclamation - we are runners and every step is holy to the world.

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