Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Yoga of Distance Running - Verse 4:4

A man unattached to sensations,
who finds fulfillment in the Self,
whose mind has become pure freedom,
attains an imperishable joy.
                                         (Bhagavad Gita 5:21)

We run - unattached to passing thoughts and
miles. Every step our

We find joy in our arrival.

  • With every step the beginning and end of our destination we find ourselves at home in the one constant beyond change - the Self. Distance stripes a runner to the bareness of stride and Self - nothing remains that is not linked to the world at large. With the return of our original nature we become a witness to all that passes - nothing happens to us and yet everything occurs through us - we find ourselves as impartial creators to our own creation. In the realization of the Self, reality becomes the joy of every step. Each moment is its own perfection. And to this - we belong.

* Verse 5:21 translated by Stephen Mitchell 

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