Thursday, July 31, 2014

The Yoga of Distance Running - Verse 3:1

Released from greed, fear, anger,
absorbed in me and made pure
by the practice of wisdom, many
have attained my own state of being.
                                          (Bhagavad Gita 4:10)

Our steps made pure by repetition on the path - we
now find grace in the Self of
our existence.

The path is always holy.

  • Once surrendered - we become more. If we confine our steps to familiar paths then we never enter the grace found in letting go. Running takes us on an interior journey even as our feet explore the limits of the body. What we find is that we tread a path of purification that makes us worthy to  become the Self of our true existence. In a paradox of events - the farther we run the less we identify with the mind and body. Distance destroys the ego and creates a holy space for the Self to reside. We're on the path of this realization even as we believe we're simply running on trail and road. Often is seems that ego senses its diminished importance and rebels with a stronger presence. It's an illusion. We're being purified. Keep running. There is wisdom found on the path  - we take a step, release, and keep faith in the grace of our stride.

*Verse 4:10 translated by Stephen Mitchell 

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