Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Running As a Means To An End (of self)

Speed, time and distance are all means to plumb the depths of why we run - why we truly run. The reason we run is expressed as uniquely as each individual runner and yet is as common as the ground we run together. There is something silent, still, and peaceful that waits on the other side of thought and feeling. It is our essential self and it is beyond all means used on the path to reach find it - and still it is not separate from the means. It's all things. We're all things. Distance strips us of the illusions of I, me and mine. The path no longer unfolds before us - we unfold as the path. We may still take great pleasure in performance and competition - but we are unattached to the final outcome of all finite games. Running has delivered us to the infinite...and now nothing else will ever do. 


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