Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Yoga of Distance Running - Verse 1:6

On this path no effort is wasted,
no gain is ever reversed;
even a little of this practice
will shelter you from great sorrow.
                                                            (Bhagavad Gita 2:40)

Our stride - no more than a single step taken in the
promise of a moment. And now infinite
patience brings us here -
the faith of one more moment.

Our steps are never wasted.


  • The greater part of our path is unseen - our run is a deeply felt journey that is only displayed in steps. The real run is within. We measure distance by outer standards, goals, times and a finish and yet the true goal of distance is to diminish ego through fatigue of will and physical strength until at last we find the ultimate source of power and endurance - the Self. The Self is our identity beyond ego, it's our shared union in reality. We are the Self. This is why runners gather for a solitary pursuit - a common discovery of a greater recognition through the trials of fatigue. So every run is an offered opportunity of discovery. The events that occur - from the high to the low - are in perfect order and bring us a moment of their grace. In this regard a single step is equal to a journey. And no step is ever wasted.  


*Verse 2:40 translated by Stephen Mitchell 

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