Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Yoga of Distance Running - Verse 1:8

The man whom desires enter
as rivers flow into the sea,
filled yet always unmoving -
that man finds perfect peace.
                              (Bhagavad Gita 2:70)

We are the stillness of Self expressed through
motion. Our stride unwavering on the
path. There is no absence of
desire -
Yet every step points true...and the
run itself is all that matters.

  • We don't run in the absence of desire - desire is the fuel that carries us to the path. Yet too we seek not to be swept by emotional currents that offer only distraction. As the ocean's depth remains unmoved by even the greatest storm above - so too does the Self remain secure in stillness. Desire is the runners fuel but not the path itself. We aware of the play of desires and chose our participation wisely - unattached to outcome - knowing fully that commitment to stride and Self is the end of all desire, it's our arrival to the sacred north our steps have always aimed for. Even if we didn't know it. In full awareness all desires become one just as every step becomes the stride. 

(Verse 2:70 translated by Stephen Mitchell )

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