Friday, July 25, 2014

The Yoga of Distance Running - Verse 2:3

But the man who delights in the Self,
who feels pure contentment and finds
perfect peace in the Self -
for him, there is no need to act.
                              (Bhagavad Gita 3:17)

With no need to run - we find ourselves expressed as
perfect motion. Running for Self and
stride alone.

There is joy on the path of true contentment.

  • There come a point in  - a certain distance - when running is revealed as union of Self, stride and path. It may be fleeting, yet it holds the promise of our enlightenment. Our steps add nothing to the Self - they are the means of shredding layers of all that stands between our realization of the truth of who we are. Our steps reveal the distance between the Self and ego and bridge the space between the two until the Self is seen as the final step of our arrival. We run in thought and body until the Self is realized and then there is only spirit merged in holy union. Every mile is our deliverance.

*Verse 3:17 translated by Stephen Mitchell. 

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