Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Yoga of Distance Running - Verse 1:5

Know what your duty is
and do it without hesitation.
For a warrior, there is nothing better
that a battle that duty enjoins.
                          (Bhagavad Gita 2:31)

Once on the path - there is only the run. We now belong to a
singular objective, no thought of time nor
even finish -
There is only the step that we have

Stretched before us...our stride leads to certainty.

  • On the path, we have only one task to perform - run. There is no room for doubt, there is no need for fear or uncertainty. If we do but one thing, if we simply run in the certainty that this is what we're here to do - there can be no failure. Our success is internal, there is no measure of gain or loss outside our singular task. If we know this - there is nothing more to know of running.              


*Verse 2:31 translated by Stephen Mitchell

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