Friday, July 18, 2014

The Yoga of Distance Running - Verse 1:4

These bodies come to an end;
but that vast embodied Self
is ageless, fathomless, eternal.
Therefore you must fight, Arjuna.

                                                                                          (Bhagavad Gita 2:18)

We must run. The Self calls to be expressed as motion - we have been
chosen and perhaps too we have known this path before. Beyond the
body - and we are runners still. Our stride is formless, continuous,
and lasting  - our steps reborn through many lifetimes.

Through this life and then beyond - our run

  • For whatever reason - we are runners now. Distance is our home and every step leads further to its comfort. Yet to know ourselves as runners is to dismiss the miles and steps. Even our body. It's the Self, existing beyond a runners form, that seeks expression. This is who we are, the truth of our reality - we are a higher force, intimate with the body, yet not of the body. The steps we take are not the stride but simply follow in its wake. When the body fails and steps falter - the Self continues. If we identity with the body than we find ourselves bound to form and all the weight that holds it down. When we see the truth of who we are - the Self residing in a body - we are free, formless and given flight along the path. Only the body tires - The Self continues on forever.


*Bhagavad Gita verse 2:18 translated by Stephen Mitchell 


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