Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Year of......

Last year I signed up for my first 100 mile race and declared it the year of the 100 miler. The year didn't turn out exactly as planned but in training for my first 100 miler I did learn a lot, I ran a lot and did set distance PR's of 63 miles, 77 miles and finished the year with 83.7 miles. I feel ready to apply all that I've learned into further attempts this year. Yet I will refrain from declaring it the year of 100 miles - not for lack of confidence but because the distance is less important this year than the journey. I will cover a 100 miles without doubt - maybe this year, maybe next - I know for sure that I will run with a light heart and easy stride no matter the distance. This is my priority - my only goal. Everything else is a bonus.


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