Thursday, January 16, 2014

Low Mileage

I'm hoping to turn myself into a low mileage racer. Sounds simple - just run less miles. Yet I'm also hoping to be a successful low mileage (ultra) racer. Sounds paradoxical - to race long distance you have to train with distance. And you do. Just maybe not all at once. Which is what I did last year while training for my first attempt at 100 miles. 30 Mile training runs were the norm for months at a time - followed up the next day with another long(ish) run. The training left me fit - but also on the verge of injury and feeling flat for some time after. This year my aim is one long(ish) run a month - mostly from races of 50k or more followed by more moderate runs of 16, 18 and 20 maybe even venturing up to 24 or so - and less volume during the week. I believe my new plan will call for a high of 58 miles at its peak. Last year I hit 90 miles for several weeks in a row. It's doable. But is it necessary. That's what I'll find out. Stay tuned.


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