Monday, January 27, 2014

Hard Choices - Training the Mind for Ultras

It's just as important to train the mind for ultra running as it is the body - some may say even more so for once the body is on the verge of giving out it's the mind alone that will keep it moving - or call it a day. I've written quiet a bit here about the limits of willpower - it being a finite source of energy and motivation - while learning to rely on spirit allows us to tap into the infinite source of power. It's the surrender of ego and allowance of spirit that will take us the farthest. That being said - willpower still has its role to play. It's willpower that will get us to the point of surrender, that will take us out for the final lap where spirit resides. To get to this place we need to learn to make hard decisions and learn to embrace discomfort. This is where our training starts - to make that choice of getting out of bed on a cold, wet morning and putting in the miles. We pick the harder route and steeper hills. We run on tired legs. We're training the mind to overrule the body and yet at the same time we must stay mindful of the bodies needs - it's a razors edge. It takes practice. It's our training. Race day is the meeting of body, mind and spirit. It all comes together.


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